seagull confusion... the skies

this afternoon...

look closely - 'cuz that's what you're looking at - yes, i know, this isn't the very best of shots - but it's what i have to offer - a reflection of stormy skies - clouds filled with rain almost green in hue - and then... then - this crazy flocking of gulls - people! gulls- flooding the sky by my house - no, not near water either! what's that about? mass confusion, i tell you! they flew about - circling overhead - at first, making me question if they really were gulls - but then came that unmistakeable call from them -

so i tracked them - hoping they would veer over towards the tops of the evergreens - so i'd have proof i wasn't really on a beach somewhere - not just making it up they were flying over my house... you know how when you want something to happen - it doesn't? you wait - wait - wait somemore? just when you're about to give up, then - boo! there it is... it's how it went down with these mad seagulls - no pattern to their flying - simply random - i suppose they're entitled - i have plenty of random days myself... i was pleased they ended up giving me a slight edge with the trees - fulfilling my whim so i wouldn't have to ditch the thought of posting them after all - i'm certain they have no idea how they contributed to making it...


happy day.....

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