
By MrsK277

Old and new

I picked up these tulips half price on Monday as someone in the supermarket had really over ordered for mothers day. I live a bargain and they've lasted well.
I met an old work colleague and friend for eggs florentine brunch at Dandelion and Burdock in Stock. Her Grandchildren are now all at my school in yr2 & early years and they are real cutie pies. It was lovely to catch up with her.
I was still worrying a bit about FK's maths and have decided to email, once I work out the right wording.
MrK had a tough day at work with a couple of extra summer staff he employs for the season. One is a returner and one is a a woman...a new experience for him, although they do have Zibby who helped them out alot last year on match days,  but she's a very different character than the newbie! He was was very frustrated.

I took FK to a gig one of his friends was playing in a local pub. He loves his music. I knew he'd be sensible and he was ready to be picked up at 9pm...buzzing. 

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