One daze at a time...

By Raheny_Eye

AAS (Annoying Attention Seeker)

There's always one. But none quite as annoying as that Raheny_Eye yoke. 
Christ in a Dry Robe on a cargo bike… Has he really uploaded that many images and their associated brain farts? Has the man got no life?!
Could he not better employ his time on Insta/TikTok or Farcepuke (more suited to his age group) watching funny kitten videos?
How much longer will we have to suffer his scatological humour? One cannot really talk of irreverence in his case. What’s the technical term for what he’s doing? Taking the piss. That’s it. The man is a compulsive piss-taker.
He’s photographed his arse, his cat’s arse, his missus’ crack, poo on his shoes, poo in melted snow, bagged poo, poo in the shape of the leaning tower of Pisa, vomit, squashed pigeons and a heron gobbling a baby rat.
This sort of carry-on has to stop. Someone should report him to the powers that be. 

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