Ukulele Hayley

By Ukulelehayley

Sink or Swim

I got to work this morning and set up the room ready for my student. We cook on a Friday so I also had a bag of ingredients and cooking equipment. 10 minutes later I got a text to say she wasn’t coming. Grrrrrrr…
I decided to go to Sainsbury’s and asked everyone if they wanted anything. Ended up with a long list so that kept me occupied for an hour. The afternoon was a bit weird as a student was unwell and her parent had to be called who arrived and said she felt ill. To cut a long story short, they had to call an ambulance and when I left they were treating her in the car park.
All in all a very odd day.
Lily is after some traces of pulled pork from a bowl in the sink. I’ve never seen her in the sink before.
Poppy is out tonight with her friends so I shall be worried about her all night.

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