These are the days...

By ashcroftkiddos

the first zuchinni... of many!

Our garden is off and rolling this year and I've been amused at all the different things growing around here. We don't have a good "one spot" garden, so we have items planted all over our entire yard. On one side of the house, tomatos, on the other side, rasberries and basil... on the deck, peas, zuchinni, beans and cucumbers, on top of the rocks, pumpkins, potatoes and more zuchinni, in the flower garden, tomatillos, green peppers and strawberries and by the toy house, rhubarb and lettuce. I get my exercise watering, that is for sure!

Here's our first zuchinni ever! and, I think we'lll probably get plenty of zuchinni off of one plant. We have six!!

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