Leaping Frogs

There were two girls playing leapfrog over the painted bollards in Winchester. I don't know them so I wanted to make sure I only took shots of the back of them and I tried to get one of them at the moment they went over but failed miserably. Still this captures their fun.

I think we must have had the hottest weekend of the year. Breakfast and lunch eaten in the garden, probably supper too.

We had a great evening with our friends "helping" us to decide where to live and making comments on the houses I am going to see tomorrow and Tuesday.

I have to be on the road by 7.00am tomorrow to get to just north of Monmouth by 9.30 to see the first of 7 houses I am checking out. By 6.00pm I hold outside Worcester seeing the last one. I am staying with Jane's sister tomorrow night and then seeing 4 houses in and around Malvern and then another in Evesham followed by a drive by or two before I head home. Blipping and commenting could be a bit erratic for the next couple of days.

I put up yesterday's shot a little earlier if you would care to look.

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