
By HareBrain


So no flying up here on the Long Mynd today.  The dew pond is full having lain empty all last Summer.  There were plenty of white horses scudding about on the top and two real horses on the ridge above, also affected by the wind and anxious to get going and have a good canter.
I came with Mr HB up to the Gliding Club as he was bringing the re-packed parachutes back but also as it was the Club’s annual AGM and awards ceremony.  One of which was an Honorary Life Membership awarded to Mr HB for all his tireless work to the Club and for being the Chief Flying Instructor for  5 years and an all-round jolly good fellow with acres of aviation knowledge!  It was a lovely evening.  A superb 3-course meal beautifully cooked by H, D & J, lots of imbibing, speeches and sharing good memories with lots of special people.
Luckily we had booked a room at the Club as it was a late do!!

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