
By helenann

Crab Apple Blossom

This morning,we attended a short briefing at our local recreation ground on how to water a group of newly planted trees!! I know, at present, it feels as if we will never have to water any outdoor plants ever again, but we still hope that come  June, we may need to be filling up the new parish bowser with which to water the dozen new trees in the prescribed manner. 
Then Martin and I went to check on the wildlife area which adjoins the  recreation ground. The little crab apple tree already has lots of flower buds. 
This afternoon we finished  weeding our newly reclaimed south- facing flower border, and then mulched  it with a mixture of home made compost and Strulch (mineralised straw mulch). I look forward to replanting it soon. 
I had hoped Stormin' Norman  might want to have a ramble on the lawn but he obviously felt it wasn't warm enough for a tortoise to bother leaving his house, because  he only mooched around  in his bed of hay.      

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