
By fennerpearson

Moonwalkers, Guinness, and Holbein

It is an ongoing source of mild irritation to me that whenever I see recommendations for shows and exhibitions in the paper, they are, nine times out of ten, based in London or the south. 

Some, though, are worth travelling to see, despite the annoyance, and today the Minx, my brother, and I all went to see 'The Moonwalkers: A Journey With Tom Hanks'.

I can only say that it surpassed all my expectations, and that I would highly recommend it. (I also had to remind myself periodically that Tom Hanks has not actually been into space.)

After the exhibition, we met up with Dan, who had been too hungover from St Patrick's Day to get to 'Moonwalkers' and the four of us went to the Red Lion on Crown Passage for a couple of pints of Guinness. It's a great pub and I could happily spend an afternoon in there.

However, the Minx, Wol, and I had other plans, and we took our leave of Dan and went round to Buckingham Palace for the Holbein exhibition. This was not something I would travel to London for in itself, but it was more of a whimsical visit as I have been reading, and just about finished, the 'Shardlake' series by CJ Sansom, in which Holbein's paintings feature.

And after that, it was back to Worcester Park to say hi to my Dad, who is recovering from a cold and thus didn't come for a curry last evening, before the Minx and I set off back to Salford. 

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