
By Beewriter

Moonlight Swim

Dawn, Jackie, Cath and I went up onto the top of Marsden Moor for a swim in Redbrook Reservoir under the Worm Moon. Sadly, it was cloudy so we couldn’t actually see the moon, but it was a great adventure. It was so quiet up there and there was no one else around. The water was inky black and perfectly still and according to the thermometer it was 8°….it felt a lot colder in the pitch black though. We swam in headtorches but it was still disorientating. I completely lost my bearings but thankfully Jackie had a marker post that we swam towards. I was sure it was the opposite direction so it was a good job we were sensible and stuck together. The darkness felt huge and the silence enhanced it. It was an amazing swim. Hopefully, the next time the moon will make an appearance.

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