Trixie's Adventures

By TrixieTheCollie

A waste of three days........... Or is it?

For those of you who know my human in real life; you will know that she doesn't read books. She can't remember when she last read a book. It was probably about 50 years ago when she had to read a book for her English exams at school. Lol! Long story short............... her sister came to stay last week and told her about 'Shuggie Bain' by 'Douglas Stuart'. Apparently, it's won awards, etc. So off Ann trotted to the library and had to get a new library card because the one she had was ancient and didn't even have a barcode on it reserved 'Shuggie Bain'. On Saturday she picked it up and had never seen such a big book – 430 pages to be precise. 'No she's not read 'War & Peace'! Obviously, she didn't want to embarrass herself in front of the librarian so she just took it and thought she'd return it in a couple of weeks. Well the librarian isn't going to know if she's read it or not is she?

She read 17 pages on Saturday and since then she's read the rest of the book. She's been lying on the sofa reading for hours on end. She'll be joining a book club next. Lol! It takes up a lot of time, this reading lark doesn't it? The book is about a boy growing up in Glasgow in the 1980s in poverty, with an alcoholic mother. Ann was a Primary teacher at the time and worked with a lot of disadvantaged and deprived kids in Edinburgh, so she could identify with it. …...........Maybe that's why she kept reading. Or maybe she just had nothing better to do. Or maybe because it's been raining for the last couple of days, she didn't want to take me for a big long walk. Or maybe she's just getting fed up watching daytime TV. Or maybe she's becoming more cultured in her old age. Who knows?!! Whatever?!! She's feeling very accomplished this evening. Having said that, she can't help thinking that she has just frittered away three days of her life.

This afternoon we set off on a big long walk at 2pm and then it started to rain, so Ann said, 'Trixie, we'll just go up to the park and then come back home because I've still got 50 pages of my book to finish.'

Mmmmmmm....................... I'm not sure that I like my human reading books. If she hadn't had a book to finish, I'm sure I would have still got a long walk, rain or no rain!!! Oh well, ho hum, I still found a lovely little pool of rain water on the grass to splish, splash, splosh in.

PS – Any suggestions of what Ann should read next?

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