
By TonyG

Take Two

More, unexpected, Spring sunshine this afternoon and it felt a little less cold too.  So I dropped the indoor jobs and spent a bit of time out in the garden weeding and planting.  Plenty of options for a blip among the flowers in the sunshine, another Primula marginata winning the day.  This clone is named Peggy Fell, presumably after a lady of that name.  Was she the breeder (it's supposedly a hybrid with Primula pubescens) or a friend of the breeder or ....?   It's heavily serrated leaves, coated in white farina, are attractive in their own right.
This morning I took Mum and Chris out to Rhydyronen to see J, J & J in their caravan.  We had the one next to theirs for many years, many good memories made there.   A couple of walks for Meg and an evening singing, mostly shanties, made for a very nice sort of day :-)

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