
By Frontier

Fog and Shadows

Depeche Mode - Never Let Me Down Again

Plans held back by rain. Still, made some way with future papers, heavy exercise, and supermarket shopping when the rain died.

Watched two episodes of The Last of Us tv show. I love the games a lot. The first episode, I couldn’t help but compare the show with the game and try to match it, however, although the tv show doesn’t have the “stealth” and gameplay experience (it can’t), it enhances the characters and their depth of humanity. The game lifts itself well to tv/movies easily, and the show explores the interaction more than the game could. The game was more so a movie than a game, so it’s no surprise. Highly recommended, even if you haven’t played the game. I haven’t watched The Walking Dead from season 3 to “the end” so I’m not sure how it compares.

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