Nearly time to fly

Took this on full zoom to capture the first young swallow peeping out. The nest is under the eaves of our old, high roof and the parents have been back-and-forthing all day every day to feed their brood for some weeks now. This one looks as if it's almost ready to take the plunge.

Talking of babies flying the nest, my baby is 30 today! Can't believe how quickly three decades have whizzed by: 30 on the 30th - and that makes me just twice her age. Crumbs! That's - um - oldish, isn't it?! Hey ho. 'Firstborn', her bro, is four years older than her, so he makes me feel older still.

No, actually, I don't feel that old. Just get a shock when I catch sight of myself in a mirror and notice this saggy old face looking back at me. Ne'er mind, eh! Another glass of wine will soon fix it. That and removing my glasses and suddenly all the wrinkles disappear. It's soft-focus for me from now on.


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