
By H22

Place: Largo, FL 71/81
Main activity: Wed - gray, errands - LDN, Zoom, rain
Notes: Up and down in sleep again and the didn't get up till ~8a. Headed out 9a, dropped donations at thrift store down the road and found a couple cotton shirts. Down W Bay to Bellaire Compounding (in pic) to get the new microdosing I'm going to try - Jo told me about it and Mic knows of it and is helping me get it. Is handmade and into tiny squares that can be split in halves or quarters - started w/ a quarter of one when I got back. Quick stop for couple things at Publix and got another big kombucha (still on sale). Was after 1030a till I got back, changed, made coffee and then jumped on the Lightwave Mastery Zoom from 11a-12p. Went to the pool to read in the gray fresh air for a little bit but didn't stay too long. Tried a batch of cranberry jello w/ organic low sugar juice - a bit tart but came out good. Shower, then had more leftovers and an arugula salad (got one from Publix this time). Watched some vids in the afternoon, and then rain came in early around 330p - but 430p brought huge torrential downpours, so loud I could hardly hear Janine on her video. Had a call w/ Carlene then 5-545p, went really well. Streamed shows, tired early.

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