But, then again . . . . .

By TrikinDave

The Body Snatchers.

I've had my eye on this blip for some time now, but I always feel that a street scene needs to be populated and so waited for a suitable opportunity. Passing, this afternoon, there were three gentlemen standing in the doorway so I moved into position just as a bus arrived and spirited one of them away. As it moved off I carefully composed the shot and, equally carefully, the two remaining gents broke into a dance for me and were rewarded with a Blip card each. If you see this guys, thanks very much - your efforts were very much appreciated.

The Old Crown Inn in Penicuik is noted, according to the two green boards at either end of the frontage, for having been frequented by the infamous Messrs. Burke and Hare early in the nineteenth century - allegedly. Those of you who know me will realise that I treat such claims with scepticism, probably with justification, even when there are no caveats. Back then, as medical science began to flourish, the only legitimate source of corpses for dissection were those of the unfortunates hanged for crimes they may (or may not have) committed.

Eminent professors, such as Dr Robert Knox, were not entirely scrupulous and were willing to pay the likes of Burke and Hare to exhume the recently interred. This had two knock on effects: the tombs of the rich became fortified with iron bars and watch towers, and Burke and Hare decided to increase the supply of bodies by pre-empting the natural processes and murdering sixteen souls.
They were duly tried, executed and publicly dissected while Knox escaped prosecution but with his career in ruins.

p.s. Forgot to mention the drunken bus stop at the right hand end. Quite appropriate here.

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