Bright and Beautiful

By ThingsBeautiful


Smiling Tulips on a beautiful day!

Went to the supermarket and shopped - but the veg scales were not working - so I asked what to do and was directed to a self service till, which I could put through my shop, weigh the veg as normal and pay with the gadget...

However, when I went to leave - an alarm blared, and the trolley wouldn't go anywhere :(  

Apparently because I went back into the shop with my trolleywithout going out of the normal gate, and then went out of an exit gate where I couldn't scan the flipping receipt.....aaaargh

Needed a coffee and hot cross bun when I got home :)

After all that I've had a pottering day in house and garden.  It was lovely to sit out in the garden in the sunshine late afternoon, wrapped up in a blanket of course but still so warm :)

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