
By IainatCreel

From my Study Window

Another stunningly warm sunny day with Scapa Flow iridescent at times.  Days like today certainly go towards redressing the balance.  Although I haven’t quite forgotten the number of times I had to empty the rain gauge, or retrieve the washing from Svalbard.  Again today we did our morning walk to and from CMC’s sister’s hoose.  We even heard the warbling of the ladies from the open air Easter Day service at the Orphir Round Kirk at the Bu.  James zipped past us on his quad bike, on his way to the calves.  There was no other traffic to mention. 
CMC left mid-morning, to play a gig in Deerness at their outdoor Easter Fayre.  She then picked up her niece, Katy, who is on an Easter break from teaching in Aberdeen  I am sticking with the McKenzie exercises.  I fully realise that the above is rubbish, but it has to be said it’s bang up to date rubbish (albeit it hasn’t got a bar code).  It is not recorded what Scobie Breasley would have said.  Although he did achieve the ‘Freedom of Wagga Wagga’.

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