
By 58jc

More tulips

Started early as I was awake and couldn't get back to sleep.  Something No.1 said last night was making me sad and was spinning around my head.

I got up and by 8.30 had done some ironing, been to Tesco, swept the patio and prepped cheesecake for tomorrow.  I had arranged a 'tea party' for T's BIG birthday and was expecting the girls around 2.30. It was a surprise and I was not sure how she would re-act and she was a bit 'po' faced so I am not sure the prosecco, two cakes and cream tea were worth all the effort.  Oh well.

No.1 and JC visited Scotney Castle with our NT cards and OH went to the golf club to watch the other guys play.  He took his ipad and whiled away a few hours.  I didn't fancy cooking so we got a take out which was good with minimal washing up.

JC went home as he has tickets for a gig tomorrow and No.1 was a bit disappointed.

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