
By Bigdreamer


An arrival of a new puppy,
Little Roxy.
Jagga and Roxy share a father, making them half brother and sister.
Lara was equally fascinated and protective, of Roxy as she was of Jagga.
Lara rocked and patted her to sleep, and curled up in her puppy bed with her, flash back to when Jagga was a puppy and the situation seemed identical. Jagga was amazing so gentle and accepting, of her.

Jagga will always be special to me as he is the guardian/protector of the girls, he is their shadow and his aloof nature and boisterous manner makes it hard not to love him.

Iam sure Roxy with be just as loving and special. Girls seem to besotted with her already. Who doesn't like a squidgy puppy.

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