A Day In The Life

By Irish59

Hello, April

I’m no fool, I know today’s gorgeous spring weather won’t last. A nor’easter is on the way for Wednesday afternoon through Friday. Those with all snow could get up to two feet, those at the coast around a foot due to mixing, and we’ll land somewhere in the middle. I’m trying very hard NOT to be depressed • We enjoyed breakfast out at the diner, a walk, did some bird watching, then groceries • In Hallowell MrsP noticed this mature eagle on the opposite side of the river along the water’s edge (best viewed small, LoL). Apparently it was bath time, which is something neither of us have ever seen. He was quite animated flapping his wings and tail feathers, dunking his head under water, having all the same moves as a seagull. It was most entertaining to watch. Eventually he flew up into a tree when his mate showed up • Peace & Love

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