
By Frontier

Rock Night: March 2024

The Angels - Am I Ever Gonna See You

Had another great night at the rock with DJ Cee2 playing rock music all night. Everyone had a good time and it was smooth.

Had a true blue Aussie in the crowd that requested this song, it was my first time hearing it and he wanted the live version where the crowd responds to “Am I ever gonna see your face again?”

I didn’t know the response unfortunately and was asked for my passport, jokingly obviously. Nonetheless, I was a little taken a back by the comment, I was used to this in Australia, so I followed up with songs that only Aussies know. Cold Chisel’s Khe Sahn which got him looking back and cheering, Ice House’s Electric Blue, and Mental As Anything’s Live it Up. Comments were retracted, and I got cheers.

Still, it’s nice having Aussies in the crowd and playing songs that are VERY specific.

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