Newcastle Downunder

By jensphotos

A pelican in Panama

Congratulations to all those that knew or guessed where I am. Today, we went to the Canal information centre at the Miraflores docks.   There was an imax 3D movie about the canal, how it was built, the new docks and it's operations.  It was very well done and narrated in English by Morgan Freeman.  The first extra is at the dock, looking back towards the Pacific end.  The second is a large pan from the lookout looking across to the The Bridge of the Americans with a ship coming in where it will approach the dock and enter the canal. 

We then went down to a point with views back across to the city where the main was taken.  There was quite a large squadron of Brown Pelicans who were resting on some nearby rocks but some who were diving after something (third extra).

From there we went to the food restaurants at the fish markets and had lunch.  Cerviche and camerones for me and a fresh juice that came out in a goblet the size of a small fishbowl.  It must be a Panamanian thing as it has happened several times.

After a short freshen up and rest at the hotel, we did a bit of a walk around the old town where we are staying.  Most of the buildings were built by the Spanish in the 1600s.  Many of them are barely standing, not yet snapped up by developers and rennovated.    We first popped in to Catedral Basílica Santa María la Antigua de Panamá, which was the main blip yesterday.  They had apparently had the usual Easter celebrations with massive decorations which had been mostly taken down except some which where still left at the front door.   They posed an interesting scene (4th extra).  The main altar is the 5th extra.  The rest of the extras are just scenes around the old town with the last being the sunset looking back towards the Bridge of the Americas.

Tomorrow is a new Country and an early start.   You will have to guess where.

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