
By CleanSteve

The mallard hen got away this time

It seemed quiet on the canal this morning, with the sun shining intermittently between scudding dark clouds. I knew the run was forecast so I ventured out early to see if any kingfishers would honour me with their presence. They didn't, and other observers said that they hadn't seen any for some days at this location near Stonehouse. A pair of moorhens were busy nest building in the reeds on the far bank while a single coot looked on. Two mallards swam up and down the canal peacefully.

I stood watching and admiring the day, with various walkers sometimes stopping to say hello and enquire about what I was photographing. Bumble bees buzzed deep in the undergrowth, seeming to ignore the blossom of the dandelions and herbs close to the water’s edge.

The peace was disturbed by a group of mallards flying at tree top height along the canal. I think it was a hen being chased by three drakes. Not long after they returned in the opposite direction, but on the water this time, mostly swimming but with occasional surges propelling them into the air for a few yards. That is when I took this shot. The hen seemed safe at this point, but it didn’t last. She was attacked by the group rather mercilessly a minute later, but then swam with them as if nothing had happened, despite the near drowning experience I’d just witnessed as they tried mating with her. 

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