
By brambleblossom

We have travelled quite a few miles since I last blipped, a short round trip which enabled us touch base with our children and grandchildren.
Sunshine on Saturday led to a lovely woodland and riverside potter with Jess and family.Thank you for your kind comments, she is feeling much better.
More sunshine on Sunday and a lovely early service at the cathedral, the youth choir sang beautifully. I watched them as they sang and thought about how beneficial it must be to belong to such a group through your teenage years , companionship with a focus. Later we drove to Chesterfield , the roads through the Peak District were surprisingly quiet. Many books were read and games played with a few walks thrown in . We slept on air beds in the sitting room and were joined by the children around 6 am (really 5 am as we are now on Summertime) once the children had gone for their nap we drove up to Leeds and again found the roads fairly calm .
A few golden hours with Nat and katie including a short walk in sunshine and then homeward bound .once in the M62 we realised that it was closed for several junctions ( why didn’t we check before we set off !) so got home after dark . A lovely Easter weekend , but another cold virus ascended in the night to add to the other , too sniffly to sleep so I’ve had an early get up. I haven’t been virus free since about November, I’m not especially Ill with them , just extra weary . I think we need to plan a sunny midwinter break later this year . When we went to India over Christmas we came back rejuvenated.
Re the photo , the bird feeder was busy when I pulled back the curtain but as soon as I picked up the camera they disappeared so the shot is of the empty feeding station .

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