Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

2024 Monday — Photos from the Road

This collage photo was created to be viewed clockwise. It’s visual details of our trip north today to return to our home on California’s Central Coast.

So in the first frame of four photos I was hoping to capture the brand new snow on the mountains in the same vicinity of our SoCal home. The rain started falling at 2:00 a.m. Saturday and it rained most of the day Saturday and Easter Sunday. The temperature was cold; this morning we saw the snow.

The next collage has strange vehicles (a huge tractor), and the Pasadena landmark clock tower on the metro station that sits between the east and west lanes of the 134 Freeway, and then a view of the snow covered mountains east of San Fernando Valley.

The next frame is the “3” pak of chocolate chip cookies I ordered at McDonald’s; the employee being paid $18.00 an hour cannot count to 3. We had pulled away from the drive-thru window when I noticed there were only 2 cookies. We had also purchased an “iced caramel coffee.” The last time we purchased one at that same McD’s, they neglected to put the caramel in the cup. So today Mr. Fun was insistent that I take a sip before we drove away from the window; that’s why I missed seeing inside the cookie package. So this story will continue because the next time thru there, I will show them my photo of the receipt and the 2-pak of cookies. It’s really no big deal, but I’m curious to see if they will acknowledge the mistake and take care of a customer (me).

The final frame, a collage of three photos, is the map on my phone showing a place on the highway that appeared gridlocked. A digital sign on the freeway was announcing a “complete” stop of traffic ahead. The red on the map showed the area. The other two photos in that bottom left of the collage are the train bridge over the freeway in Ventura and an 18-wheeler with two gigantic spools of wire or hose placed at a strange angle for transporting. The truck had a safety vehicle closely behind it to warn other drivers of the wide load.

Overall, we did not achieve our best time, but we arrived at approximately 2:30, and we had stopped two times.

Rosie (& Mr. Fun) aka Carol
and Chloe & Mitzi too!

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