
By scotguide

Adam Smith!

Oh what a windy day! Had a lovely walking tour with US travel writer Rick Steves, we were updating the Edinburgh section of his book about Scotland. He's so well known in the States, lots of American visitors recognising him, he's great fun & such a lovely kind man with a great sense of humour!

I don't think I've blipped the great economist Adam Smith's grave in the Canongate Kirkyard, , born & bred in Scotland. He lived next door to the Kirk in Panmure House with his Mum.

As I was walking up the Royal Mile after I said cheerio to Rick, I passed the car taking HM The Queen to Holyrood, she didn't have time to stop to say hi, she was on her way to collect the Keys of the City!

Lunch with a BB friend, good catch up & craic!

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