
By Ellaphant

Three Stooges?

Promptly at 13.00, in accordance with our appointment (one cannot go to the Town Hall without an appointment made online), we showed up to have our passports renewed.  The passport photos we showed did not fulfill the requirements.  There was a 'photo bus' parked across the avenue, but we did not understand the directions straight away, so we ended up wandering towards the nearby stage theatre.  There is a restaurant right next to it so we went in and asked for directions, and that is where I took this shot.  We were told to go back the way we came, and, sure enough, at the huge parking area opposite the town hall, there was a small caravan with a 'portable studio'.  After having new mugshots taken, back to the Town Hall.  All this time, we were in a comic mood.  The restaurant personnel were all smiles with our jokes, the photographer in the photo bus burst into laughter as AW and I preened and posed, and the town hall girl behind the counter giggled the entire time, so much that her colleagues wondered if we were all off our rockers... so much fun!  The whole thing took an hour altogether.

Back to our car in the basement parking, and then on our way home again, when 'disaster' struck -- AW, who was behind the wheel, felt the clutch disengage.  We were thankfully close to a low apartment complex opposite Wilhelmina Park.  Phoned our garage and they phoned the tow truck company.  However, as the recordings go, 'please hold, your call is on queue' -- we were not the first on the list to be picked up.  What followed was a 2.25-hour wait in the car, which we were not allowed to leave.  After 1.5 hours, AW had to go to the WC, so he went to the coffee kiosk in the park and was obligated to have coffee before he could use their facility.  When he got back, it was my turn, and I walked in the opposite direction, which was to the public library, where I wasn't obligated to borrow a book or have tea, but I did buy a brownie on my way out.  The car was still there when I got back.  Eventually, the tow truck arrived, our car was loaded, and we sat high up with the driver and he brought us to the garage in Hoeven, where a 'loan car' was waiting.  All this time, we hadn't lost our humour -- some genealogy discussion with the tow truck driver, and then back to jokes at the garage.

Not much time for cooking dinner when we got back but AW frizzled some spaghetti and we were done, after which he had to leave for his usual Tuesday evening bridge session.  He will be having five evenings of bridge this week, which means... five quiet evenings pour moi!

Thankful for laughter!

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