
By NancyDrew

Beautiful Chemistry

Man and I went out for lunch today x I had a fish platter board with salmon, mackerel, salad, wholemeal bread AND the best bit grilled garlic butter king prawns....SHELL ON!! x

I love my shellfish, tearing off the shells, heads and feet and it was all very pleasant, however my well grown out, overdue for renewal shellac nail polish did not x I've not been able to get an appointment to get the polish removed so there was only one thing for it...

...DIY :)

An hour later, and fumes that were strong enough to burn your nasal hairs at 50 foot and my shellac polish is gone and I am now sporting the lovely pink shade you see next to the Acetone xx :)

It's hard being a girl x :)

Other choices for today were boring old flowers again my new addition that hatched this morning here and here x

Playing at being Nurse for Man comes to an end tomorrow as I have to return to work after 9 days off :( Boooooooo!!

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