
By Grammy

Pretty Pansies

Hubby was part of the color corps for our Special Olympics games today. He left home early for that event. Since we actually had a bit of sunshine, I went out to get my blip. We have many blooms on the property; the rains have damaged some unfortunately. Kim gave my sister and me hanging baskets of pansies for Easter. These flowershave a nice color combination. The blooms are smaller than the ones you typically find in our area and I love their daintiness. I fed the birds while I was out. After he was finished, hubby went grocery shopping. They are completely rearranging the store which also sells clothing, tools, home goods etc. Nothing is where it used to be. It took him nearly two hours and several calls to me before he gave up on some items and checked out. He volunteered for that job because he’s been researching emergency supplies we should have available and wanted to stock up while he was out. Poor guy. I am way behind on my life story entries. I may have mentioned that each week I receive two questions to answer. At the end of the year, my life story will be made into book form for my family. This was a Christmas gift from Jamie’s family. I am a terrible procrastinator sometimes especially when I am uncomfortable with the project. Life is rarely perfect and my sister says this should be my true story. She and I also went over a tentative menu for our April WV trip. I will document it in a spreadsheet and send it to her. I ordered glasses to wear for next week’s solar eclipse; folks want some and haven’t been able to find them. Amazon has everything! They will arrive on Saturday. The storm is back with terrible wind gusts and rain. So happy to be inside with no place to go anywhere. Hope it is sunny for Parker’s game tomorrow and Brooklyn’s on Sunday. Stay safe, warm and dry folks. Thanks for stopping by. “How does a pansy, for example, select the ingredients from soil to get the right colors for the flower? Now there's a great miracle. I think there's a supreme power behind all of this. I see it in nature.” - Clyde Tombaugh

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