
By PaulaJ


So I’m playing about with fabrics as usual and following a lovely quilter Kathryn (YouTube link below if you are really interested). 

We do samples of different kinds of quilting, but carried out in a relaxed, slow stitch kind of way. 

Kawandi is a hand stitched quilt using scrap fabric and is a traditional method used by the Siddi. They are people living in India but of African descent, many with slave ancestry. There is some interesting background to these people online. Kawandi has recently become an ‘in thing’ (just put the word into a search engine and you will soon see).

This is a sample of Kawandi inspired quilting - it is only 19x14cm and I used tiny scraps of fabric. Unlike more traditional quilting, a Kawandi is not planned beforehand and there is no measuring involved, it is just a matter of applying pieces in rounds and stitching them down. The fabric edges in a ‘proper’ Kawandi would be turned under, that would be so fiddly when working this small, so edges were left raw. The silk bows are Phula (flower) and are attached to all Kawandi. 

I loved doing this and am tempted to try a bigger piece.

K3n?Kathryn - Cloth Tales

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