Jambo journal

By IainC

Cloud Level

Another cracking day, out with the shorts and the suntan lotion. I wish.
Wasn’t too bothered about having to stay home for a BT call which was interesting: they thought my Broadband wasn’t working as they couldn’t reach our router for a line test. Nope, no problems with that, just with the phone line. After the call I checked myself using BTs online info, accessed the router no problem, checked there were no password issues, made a couple of minor config changes; in other words I could get a job in BT customer service. Anyway, there’s a new router on the way - we agreed that’d probably fix the phone problem!
I nipped over to the tenpin for a quick practice later on and picked up some Weißbier on the way back, ready for our monthly online catch-up. Which was a good laugh as always!

I think that’s a seagull, might be a crow, definitely not a pigeon. So probably a pigeon.

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