Truly Blippin' Marvelous

By JohnEdward


       Our local post office opens for just an hour and a half on Saturday mornings. There was just one package to pick up - a dozen packets of choccy bickies! (extra). I find the nutritional information interesting as here in the US they (whoever they are/is) suggest a serving size and give the figures for that serving. Not here you get the figures for one biscuit, which weighs 16.7g., and the figures per 100g. And I'm used to SRP here but what does the R stand for  . . .
Silly me Recommended Retail Price. I'm a little slow sometimes.

Reminder: It's been my luck to volunteer to set the monoMonday themes for the five Mondays of April
1 April  MM532 The Fool
8 April  MM533 Abstract
15 April MM534 Texture
22 April MM535 Shape
29 April MM536 High contrast

Other fun challenges may be found on the community zendesk

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