
By KCNQ2Haiku

Striding Out

He's decided it's
Shorts season.  Sunglasses too.
With wellies and coat :-/

Ben has decided April is the time to move on to Shorts.  I suggested we check the weather daily and decide on clothing day-by-day but he's pretty sure it's Shorts from now on.  This is a battle that doesn't feel worth fighting, so Shorts it is!  And sunglasses apparently.  
Overall it's been a good day, Ben slept well again and has been quite upbeat really.  We cleaned the car this morning, it turns out this is not a strength of mine.  I was happy and enthusiastic.  I had the car wash soap stuff, a sponge, a bucket of hot water and Mr KCNQ2Haiku's new bike pressure washer.  I sploshed, sponged, sprayed and chamois-ed(!) and was borderline devastated to discover although the car is certainly cleaner, it is also considerably more streaky than it was when I started.  I can only imagine the neighbours chuckling at my ineptitude :-/  Oh well, you win some, you lose some.  It's probably one of those things I should practice to make, you know, perfect.  But it may be that I just use the car wash next time!  We had lunch and a walk (see photo) and then I've made a stew and ironed a bazillion shirts.  Not much more to report.  Oh, except Ben's quite fixated on the pressure washer now :-/

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