Extra Ordinary

By PhilippaJ


Still a swamp of mud but warm, sunny and bursting with the greenery. We walked across fields we have walked across for 8 years, all Rosie’s life. Today she decided to basically run hell bent across a whole, huge field. There was a big bit of flooding- she obvs fancied a paddle.

I have done a lot of kitchen sorting with my new kitchenette. I am delighted that at very long last I have more cupboards and shelves than stuff. One of my 24 things for 24 was “Give everything a place”. Instead of just shoved in tiny gaps I could find. I feel well on the way to getting this ticked off - hugely satisfying. Next jobs are the shoes, coats and cupboard under the stairs.

And I cooked our favourite new Korean meal tonight. In chicken, tofu and cauliflower formats. Bloody lovely it was.

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