
By fennerpearson


I am both endlessly grateful to the NHS for the care they have provided us and also constantly appalled by Cameron's treatment of it, despite the benefit that his family have had from it, too.

But there's no getting away from the fact that hospital visits are difficult, especially on a children's ward. Difficult for a number of reasons but, for me, the main issue is the boredom of waiting combined with the heartbreak of seeing ill children.

We've been waiting for this appointment for Abi for a while and, while it was a bit vague in its outcome, the lack of anything resembling bad news was, of course, welcome. Abi was a brilliant as ever; I've never known her to feel sorry for herself and even when the consultant was examining her, she effortlessly maintained her dignity. She's an amazing little girl.

It's funny, one thing I never anticipated before having children, and that is the degree to which you can admire them and learn from them.

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