Choose Joy

By Energia

This was fun

The horrible painful bureaucracy I did Saturday worked. I can bring my medicines into the United Arab Emirates. Screw this up and you - not exaggerating - go to prison. I did not want to be Brittany. I did not want to be on the news. 

I worked from the office today. To my total shock, it was quiet. I could focus just fine today. 

Then we as a Bureau (ok, the cool kids) went to the mall and watched the partial eclipse. We had 87% totality. It was fun. 

Hereford Help for Ukraine Sent 250 wheelchairs to Ukraine. They also sent clothes, toiletries, and food. Equipment firm TPG Disableaids contacted them to offer spare equipment. 
Russian trolls have written thousands of fabricated news articles, social media posts and comments that promote American isolationism, fear over border security, bash Biden, and amplify U.S. economic and racial tensions. They are also doing this in France and Germany. The small plus is that there are Republican politicians and staffers who are leaking this to the Washington Post. 
Hackers destroyed a data center used by the Russian military industrial complex. 

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