Its the Way It Is

By Jeano

Fact or Fiction

I wanted to get some photocopying done so went into library late morning.

In the little annex where the printer/photocopier is located, there was a young woman copying a large amount of stuff. She asked me if I wanted to skip through as I had only 5 pages to copy. I thanked her and we got chatting. I asked her if she was copying college notes (this was only as part of light conversation) and her reply was stranger than fiction. Here are keywords as it would take me an hour to type it out

Printing copies of payslips
Her room mate
Is Associate of major drug dealer
Her savings in the flat
Police raid
Accused of laundering drug money
Police need proof that she has savings
And not drug money

As we stood there she told me this in great detail. She was a bit distressed. Same age as my daughter. I didn’t know what to say or do. I said I hoped she had good family/friend support. She didn’t answer. I told her to document every email, phone call etc. and to let another person she trusts to have access to these. I was at a loss to know what to do
As I genuinely did not know if it was fact or fiction.

I got my photocopying done; borrowed 3 DVD’s

Manchester by The Sea (sad)
Monkey Business (funny)
Ministry of Fear (suspense)

I have been looking over my Psychology notes today and highlighting the ones I need to go back to. I came across a link which our ever interesting tutor played for us which is so insightful and relevant today.
It was a lecture about Attitudes and where we get them.

Please listen carefully to the lyrics- they are very clever. Song is from the musical South Pacific.

Anyhoo no swim today as the weather is still poxy. Here’s what they are doing down in Wexford…..

Well why not !

Forecast good for tomorrow but I won’t hold my breath. Missing my swims

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