Dutch Skies

By RonBuist

Yes, I CAN

I managed to get the USB CAN adapter working and I’m now able to monitor the messages that are sent from my central heater. So far, I can’t make heads or tails of the data. One message is just an increasing number which counts from 0 to 255 before starting over again. Not very useful. Another message also seems to be counting something, but I can’t figure out what that is. So far, I have yet to discover anything sensible like temperatures, pressure or the mode of operation (idle, central heating, hot water). I’m not very hopeful, but even if I can’t use this I’ve still learned quite a bit and had some fun while doing so. One thing worth mentioning is that I made sure I did not use the 24V coming out of one of the six wires. No electronics got fried in the process, unlike what happened in my previous attempt.

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