Things that make me smile

By sarahhallett

Hot Weather!

We have done a camping weekend for the last 5 years, but never have I enjoyed it as much as this year. The reason? Sunshine!! And lots of it! It probably sounds obvious, but the sunshine and warm temperatures made such a difference to the experience.

We spent the whole day relaxing on the campsite. Some of the adults went off to watch the rugby at a local pub and then came back for a late lunch. Then after lunch all the children played beautifully together. Our mid afternoon snack included watermelon which Amy's friend Ruby cut up all by herself (closely supervised by an adult I hasten to add, as there were times when she did seem to forget she had a knife in her hands!) It was lovely though... very refreshing after a hot afternoon.

The camp fire was lit again this evening and we all sat around it, drinking, talking, laughing and generally having a fab time.

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