Hands up if you remember Heath Robinson.

You're pretty ancient if you do, apparently he died when I was 2y 1m old.
Feel free to Google© him, but here's an example of his work.
He's been a slight hero of mine for some time, since Mam used to refer to something as "That's a bit Heath Robinson isn't it?"

Behold my patent, self levelling waterer.
I move its height up & down on a brick-pile as it rains/droughts, so that all I have to do is dip in to Greenhouse temperature water. Beats the socks off going outside to the tap and bending to the bottom of the Butt. I suppose stage || ought to be a, correctly positioned hole, now I know it works fairly well.

Not that I think "To drought" is a verb, any more than "A big Ask" is a noun or "Charting" is a pop-musical verb.

I, recently, grumbled on BBC Radio 2 Facebook page that "Digital" is not a noun: in spite of the fact that they were, apparently, "Broadcasting online, on digital and on 88-91FM".
It MAY have no significance, but ever since then I notice most are now saying ... "... online, on digital Radio, ...etc.", so I blame me for it.

Weather comment for "them up ovver" It's gae dreich down here, hence a day C.B. WELL that and painting the bathroom skirting.

Oops. I missed the bottle of H.C.A. should have shifted it.

Time shift - forrard.

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