Orla & Conor

By OrlaConor

Variable Weather!

A lovely sunny morning made way to a very wet and windy afternoon.

We walked the mile and a half east to Anstruther, stopping at an interesting beach and a playground on the way and walked along the harbour wall before opting to have lunch in the Anstruther Fish Bar. The sun was shining as we set off back to Pittenweem but before long the wind suddenly started blowing a gale and then came the rain. It was a very unpleasant walk back!

But it was nice and cosy back in the apartment. We had a very chilled afternoon, enjoying the views of the changing weather and later watched the Grand National. In the evening we watched the very last Ant & Dec's Saturday Night Takeaway. Conor really loves that show and kept asking if it was really their last (they have left some doubt, saying "we are taking break").

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