By lizzie_birkett


Sabrina wanted a new vacuum cleaner and while she was looking on line
she saw a second hand robot one and bid on it never thinking she would actually get it. Nobody else put a bid in so she got it for the lowest one at £90. When she told me I thought it would be a load of rubbish, as did Johnnie and Frank. So, it arrived while we were there. She read the instructions and set it all up and I have to say, I’m very impressed! It has a docking place where it sits to charge up and through Alexa you can tell it to start cleaning.
Well, it goes absolutely everywhere, under cupboards and beds and gets fluff out of corners. We couldn’t believe how much it picked up.
It just goes about its business and when it’s done it says ‘Going home’ and goes to the dock and recharges. It can also mop but she hasn’t tried that.
I’m not into gadgets but this is brilliant.
We drove back home today and were here before 12.
I got most of the washing done, vacuumed all downstairs, and changed the bed clothes.  
Tomorrow I get my stitches out. I’m walking quite well but sometimes I forget what I’ve had done and kneel and it is painful.
I’m off to bed now.
Sorry for the lack of comments - I’ve been busy.
Goodnight ;-) X 

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