Going apeshit

There are dozens of these apes/gorillas around Norwich at the moment. Each has been commissioned by a company, school or other institution and after several weeks they will be auctioned off and the proceeds will go to some gorilla charity. I think. Some of the beasts are quite attractive, others are just monstrous.

There's a trail leaflet which you can follow, which will be really useful for keeping the sprogs occupied for a bit during the forthcoming summer hols.

I went apeshit a bit today when I saw in the local paper that one of the creatures had been defaced by someone writing NSE on the forehead of the beast. The only other places I have ever seen the letters NSE have been at the end of on-line rants by some English Defence League supporters when they sign off with 'NS' or 'NSE' and across the front of t-shirts which also worn by English Defence League supporters. The letters mean 'No Surrender' or 'No Surrender Ever'. An acquaintance pointed out that those letters also stand for 'Norwich Skate Elite'. Hey ho, you just never know.

Thank you everyone for your concern about my present predicament. It really is shit but I know several people who are going through much worse things and I need to remember that.

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