
By Jamjar

Since I didn't have anything planned today and it was forecast to be dry until mid-afternoon (!) I walked up to the allotment straight after breakfast. I banged two stakes into the ground, planted the mangetout peas and tried to rig up some netting for them to climb up. That didn't work, so I walked home to get the garden twine and walked back again. The twine ended up looking like a piece of very bad weaving, but the peas won't care.

I got the canes in ready for the runner beans, then I did some digging, trying to get all the twitch out - failing obviously - until I realised it was lunchtime. On my way out I said hello to a woman I hadn't seen before, and she (Jackie) very kindly said that I could help myself to some flowers as she'd got far too many. I thanked her and said I'd do it after lunch and walked home.

I brought the fleece back with me and used it to protect the peas from the prevailing wind. Then I went to Jackie's plot with spade and barrow and got some comfrey, pink campion, lamb's ears, forget-me-nots and a daisy thing I've forgotten the name of and planted them.

Back to the digging/weeding, and I got the end bed finished. The sky was looking a bit threatening so I packed up and I'd just got through the gate when Jackie shouted that she'd give me a lift. Hurrah, saved me from a soaking!

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