Ukulele Hayley

By Ukulelehayley

A Tale of Two Kitties

Not the most inspiring photo ever but there’s method in my madness…
A friend at work (let’s call her ‘P’) has a cat. The cat always does his business in the same bit of P’s garden and every few weeks P clears the cat poo, bags it up and puts it in the bin. This week, P bagged up the offending items in a cat food bag, sealed the top and left it outside the front door for her husband to take to the bin. Before husband has a chance to dispose of bag of cat poo, an opportunist who happens to be passing by, spies the bag, obviously thinks ‘ooh a lovely bag of Go Cat, that’ll do for my Tibbles’ and swipes it. Imagine their horror on opening the bag and discovering several weeks of well rotted cat poop instead of crunchy tuna biscuits.

In other news, work was a bit better today and Hendstock practice went well tonight.

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