
By Ingleman

Lost And Found

I took my camera on our walk today but to my dismay I found the entire eyepiece assembly had somehow come adrift and fallen off!

It still took photos but a fair bit of delicate electronic gadgetry was exposed to the elememts. 

I cursed and swore and wondered why my life was such an abyssmal disaster. As you do.

I decided to abandon the walk and with fanciful optimism decided to retrace my steps and look for it. 

Ha! A two mile walk over grass and mud and stiles and ploughed fields. What chance? 

But the sun and The Lord smiled on me this day and with a yell of relief I spotted it, in the long grass where earlier I had stopped to take a photo. 

Phew, unbelievable but true. Such a relief. 

I went out later and did my two miles uphill as a penance for being so careless

We live to fight another day.. 

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