La vida de Annie

By Annie

Woodland walk

Went for a tramp in the woods and he quite liked it.. ta-dah! The old ones are the best.

Another grey but hot and humid day. The dogs like this park by the river as it's inhabited by water voles and other small creatures which make tantalizing scratchy noises while remaining for the most part unseen - it drives them wild.

#2 daughter is moping around the house in a state of total boredom and despair after doing her last A-level yesterday (Performing Arts). She's now in the Slough of Despond stretching all the way to results day and hopefully university entry in a couple of months' time. I went to watch the examination performance yesterday afternoon and was moved and shaken by it - the drama group did a modern-day version of the Anne Franck story, with #2D as Anne. They wrote, directed and acted it themselves as well as composing music and sets and an accompanying powerpoint presentation of horrific images of war. Still shaking just thinking about it...

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