Scrawny Old Man

By richtoller


Today the gears on the bus worked and its wheels went round and round for about an hour taking us to Perucica Forest - one of only 2 primeval forests left in Europe. We had a beautiful walk through the forest - mainly beech and spruce, but a lot of different trees - then over to the next valley which has a drier microclimate and mainly pine trees.
And quite a lot of these Red helleborines (Cephalanthera rubra).
On the way back the walkers on the bus went snooze-snooze-snooze.

Other possible blips were:
another snake - big one this time, but not venomous
Comma butterfly (we were also brought to a full stop by a mixed flock of rare Semi-colon butterflies and Misplaced Apostrophe butterfly's)
Partisans memorial - this isn't in the primeval forest but near our hotel marking the place where 3301 partisans from all over Yugoslavia died in battle defeating the Germans in World War II.

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