
By HClaireB

Turquoise lake

We went for a walk today along the bottom of our steep hill where there are a series of lakes which are actually flooded chalk pits from when it was a cement factory.  The combination of extremely alkaline water and the reflection of light off the white chalk on the bottom makes the water look piercingly turquoise.

During lockdown someone had the bright idea of holding illegal raves on the side of the lake and advertised them on social media saying come and swim in the turquoise waters.  Thousands of people turned up every weekend.  The only trouble is that the water is alkaline enough to burn skin.  No number of "Do not swim" signs made any difference, so in the end the Police poured black dye into the water, and that stopped the swimming!

The dye has gone and the water is turquoise again. Life has returned to normal and there are no more illegal raves here.

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